Vesania Vesania - Fading

Ascending through the tissues, fractures, raging cells. The inner
Force of life builds up the flesh and spreads. Pushing so hard, willing so
Strong. No matter what comes, regardless of all. What for?.. Descending
Through the weakening force, the downward walk. Shrinking egos, shredded
Mind, awareness of the grave. The ending is always the same - as simple as it
Sounds, as obvious as ever, it all just ends.. All these things you want to believe,
Just a need to prove you belong. All you think you want to achieve, just
A mind's trick to make you proceed.. "I am not what happened to me, I am
What I chose to become". Oh you wish you could say that. Oh you wish for so
Much.. So concerned about things that come next, you forget this short moment
You live in. You will never have anything else, embrace the obvious before
You're gone.. "the reality is what it is, not what you want it to be". Every life
Comes with a death sentence.. Look around and let things lie.. Now you see what
You've done to the world, and you see what the world has done to you.